Good afternoon. Wish you a lively and happy afternoon🌹🙏💖
Pi's upcoming update for improved tentative approval: A new approach that has been in development for some time, and is currently undergoing scalability testing and improvements, will be deployed soon to complete more tentatively accepted KYC applications at scale, allowing more people to fully pass KYC.
Solutions for name mismatches: For Pioneers whose Pi account name and KYC name do not match, these applications are usually rejected because they have failed to prove their ownership of the account through verified identity in KYC, including accounts that do not comply with the requirement to use real names despite several clear notifications in the application interface and miss the two-week window to update the account with a real name. However, as community reports show, it is possible for real Pioneers to face this situation. In order to balance the need to allow these real Pioneers to get a solution and prevent violations of terms and policies such as account transfers, the upcoming update will provide potential real Pioneer accounts with the following options: appeal to get a chance to resubmit the application with corrected details; or update their Pi account name to their KYC name with the penalty of forfeiting part of the moved balance.
Moving forward together 💫
These updates are a key step in enabling more Pioneers to successfully complete KYC and move towards mainnet migration. If you have faced roadblocks with KYC in the past, now is the perfect time to revisit your application. The latest fixes and improvements may have resolved the issues that were holding you back, and if you have passed KYC, please complete the Mainnet Checklist steps to migrate your transferable balance to Mainnet, as KYC alone will not enable the migration process ✨🍀
We encourage all Pioneers to check their KYC status and take advantage of the opportunity to resubmit, take required actions, or resolve name mismatches. Also remind your referral team and security circle members to do the same to verify their accounts and eventually migrate🌅🪩