There is a fine line between some qualities, which makes some people confuse them..
There is humility and humiliation..
There is self-esteem and arrogance..
There is frankness and impudence..
There is self-confidence and vanity..
There is kindness and naivety..
There is greed and stinginess..
There is flattery and hypocrisy..
If a quality exceeds a certain limit, it turns to be replaced by another quality..
He who exaggerates in humility humiliates himself, and he who exaggerates in his self-esteem is arrogant, and he who exaggerates in frankness turns into impudence, and he who has excessive self-confidence turns into arrogance..
Kindness and good opinion are required, but excess in them turns into naivety, and he who is excessive in his greed is stingy..
It was said in the past: Excessive affection is like false affection, both of them do not benefit their owner..
There is also a fine line between some feelings..
There is admiration And love..
And there is disagreement and hatred..
If we do not wake up to the nature of feelings, we fall into the clutches of wrong feelings..
Perhaps you admire a certain person because you found in him a quality that you love, your admiration for this quality does not mean that you are infatuated with that person and you must not leave him..
Also when you disagree with someone, this does not mean that you hate him, perhaps you hated his idea, but you did not hate the person himself..
We need to have an accurate indicator that maintains that fine line..
The secret word is not to exaggerate..
Do not exaggerate in your thoughts, qualities, actions or feelings..
Do not exaggerate in humility to others, so that you reduce your value, and fall in the eyes of others..
Do not exaggerate in haughtiness, so that others think that you are arrogant and avoid you, nor in courtship, so that they are repelled by you..
Also, always check the truth of your feelings, so that you put each person in his right place, so that you do not lose yourself and others..
